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SHARP Students Read and Write!

“For those of us whose mission is to instill hope in the hearts of the children with very little cause for hope, this wonderful program is imperative.”

Betsey Folsom, Urban Day School

About us
About us

Literacy through the power of art helps SHARP students to READ and WRITE!

Program Success

An assessment of the SHARP Literacy program, The Eight Building Blocks of SHARP, has shown SHARP Literacy to be very successful in enhancing a child’s education. Conducted over two years, the study included the participation of over 4,000 students and teachers at 25 schools each year. As the following charts indicate, SHARP students read and write 40% to 70% better. In addition, students who participate in the SHARP Literacy program behave better on a field trip than students without SHARP. And because students participate in the program for four consecutive years, their academic skills become refined, providing them with tools to create a solid foundation for future learning.

2nd Grade chart

3rd grade chart

4th Grade Chart

5th Grade Chart

The SHARP Literacy Vision

Young people’s participation in SHARP Literacy, Inc. provides them with opportunities to develop their reading, writing, oral communication, creative thinking, and problem-solving skills. The development and nurturing of creativity through the use of the visual arts, art history and artist-in-residence programs has a positive and lasting impact.

Students who participate in some form of the arts are more likely to:

  • be recognized for their academic achievement
  • participate in a math and science fair
  • win an award for writing an essay or poem
  • read for pleasure

In addition, arts education programs:

  • help all students develop a deeper appreciation
    and understanding of the world
  • help students develop pride in a job well done
    and develop a positive work ethic

Children learn differently, just as adults do. However, unlike adults, children are not given the opportunity to seek out environments that are conducive to their particular learning styles. The goal of SHARP Literacy, Inc. is to provide elementary school students with a creative approach to learning that builds confidence, self-esteem and a greater awareness of the world.

At SHARP Literacy, Inc., we believe that every child should be given the opportunity for a great education, no matter their situation.